Look, I like space stuff, I was the kid with astronauts and space-station posters, but projecting a million-person colony is... distressingly overoptimistic / sales-oriented.
Ex: "Starship™ was built for this singular purpose, the hopes and dreams of the only known consciousness riding a crackling pillar of fire to open the heavens for our infinite descendants, expanding throughout the universe", "All That Has Come Before is as Nothing Next to Starship™", "torrents of gold", "hundreds of thousands" of rockets...
It just feels like whole lot of investor-focused cheerful assumptions that the 99% of the problem that isn't a rocket will Just Work Somehow.
Ex: "Starship™ was built for this singular purpose, the hopes and dreams of the only known consciousness riding a crackling pillar of fire to open the heavens for our infinite descendants, expanding throughout the universe", "All That Has Come Before is as Nothing Next to Starship™", "torrents of gold", "hundreds of thousands" of rockets...
It just feels like whole lot of investor-focused cheerful assumptions that the 99% of the problem that isn't a rocket will Just Work Somehow.