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What's the best way an individual can support this effort? Do I write/call congress/senate/other?

Red Hat has filed an amicus curiae brief in a Supreme Court case. Your senator, congressperson, et al have no ability (nor should they) to impact the outcome of court cases.

The only way to support this viewpoint would be to file your own amicus curiae brief supporting this viewpoint.

This is old and already decided. Poster has no idea, simply lifted a PDF out of context.

Here's the complete post for context: http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20081030150903555

Well, given that the Supreme Court punted on the question of software patents in Bilski, I'd say the best way would be to call your Senators and Congressperson and ask them to draft legislation to abolish software patents.

But, good luck on that. Bilski is over 2 years old now, and the status quo is still in place.

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