Good morning HN!
I'm building a mental health therapy agent called invis that patients can talk to in between therapy sessions. The agent is designed to provide Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) style care and help patients utilize DBT skills in their everyday life.
The project was recently invited by a local research university to go through a pilot study with patients!
Some of the interesting features that the agent has:
- Learns from therapist's progress notes to provide clinically-relevant care to the patient between therapy sessions.
- Memory system to remember conversations over time.
- Summarize most recent interactions and provide to therapists before next therapy session.
- Voice calling support for easier rapport building with the agent.
- DBT skills implementation help. Teach DBT skills that are grounded in clinical backing from all 5 modules: Core Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Walking the Middle Path.
- Provide crisis resources if under extreme distress.
The link is my website and a demo video, the provider UI has changed since the video filming after some suggestions from a DBT psychologist.