The people whom Trump rallied and told to march to Capitol Hill went there for the express purpose of preventing the results of the people’s vote via the Electoral College from being accepted. This was proven in many courts of law. Not only did Trump prevent the military from responding to the putsch in his benefit until it was clear the effort had failed, he later issued a full pardon to all those involved in the attack on Congress.
I can’t remember any Democratic President or candidate thereof in the history of the republic doing anything similar. Can you provide examples?
But he didn't do that. Go and read his actual speech. The words he actually used. He encouraged peaceful protest.
Why were fiery riots presented as "mostly peaceful protests" while someone that encouraged people to peacefully protest is held responsible for that protest turning into a riot?
The whole "alternate electors" thing. That wasn't "just in case the court cases go our way and we turn out to have won the state". No, they were presented as the real electors. How did that happen? It wasn't just a random coincidence that seven different states did that. No, Trump orchestrated that.
There was the pressure campaign on Pence. He was told to approve the alternate electors rather than the real ones. Not just once - he was repeatedly told to do that.