Not believing an explanation for dark matter seems prudent. It's just the name we've given to a certain set of observations not matching how we believe the universe works. We're still piecing together the details.
Do you suppose everything is explainable? Gravity feels to me like the sort of thing that just sort of is. I'm all for better characterizations of it, but I'm not holding my breath for an answer to: why?
Oh plenty of ways probably. I expect there are perspectives out there which would have a look at our biggest questions and find them to be mundane with obvious answers but which would themselves boggle at concepts that we consider elementary.
But here I am in this body, and not that one, so I'm content to accept an axiom or two.
There are plenty of cases where a complex thing has very simple behavior. For centuries, brewers could get away with a mental model for yeast as something that multiplies and converts sugar to alcohol until it can't anymore. It took quite a jump in technology to realize just how fantastically complex the inner workings of a yeast cell is.
I'm not proposing that gravity is underpinned by something complex, just that if its mechanism is out of our reach then so to are any conclusions about that mechanism's complexity.