Torrent would definitely be a great approach, 16TB is a commitment, but there's no problem with partial seeding also. I would choose selective chunks which consist of completed files.
European chiming in here. We need to backup, hash, and distribute this data. I bought four 12 TB HDDs (second hand enterprise) for about 360 EUR from USA (included tax & S&H). I could buy more, but I am feeling financially insecure now, and not buying anything from the USA anymore. I do have 3x 4 TB drives spare though. Might use these instead of going to some great parties.
Potential attack vector: seed excessive copied of a portion from many sock-puppets. Wait for non-sock-puppet seeds to dwindle. All the existing copies are now under your control.
Of course this is more of a job for responsible universities/libraries/research centres around the world, rather than single individuals. I would be surprised if Harvard didn't already go through their contact list to ensure as many copies are being made as possible.