The big problem is not science per se but capitalist pharma. Science eventually self corrects but capitalism creates a huge inertia driven by the fact people do not want to lose money and do everything possible to push things as much as they can. So much investments went into the amyloid hypothesis.
The story of $SAVA is paradigmatic. Every neuroscientist knew that stuff was based 100% on fraudulent results but they nevertheless managed to capitalise billions.
Cassava Science is mentioned in the article and their problem is that the drug they backed was based on fraudulent academic research. The professor has been indicted by the DOJ for defrauding the NIH of $16M in grants. This isn't an indictment of capitalist pharma because the original fraud wasn't done in a capitalist system.
The story of $SAVA is paradigmatic. Every neuroscientist knew that stuff was based 100% on fraudulent results but they nevertheless managed to capitalise billions.