D language rdmd wrapper allows to compile-and-execute directly [1].
Together with intuitive function calling facility using Uniform Function Call Syntax or UFCS you can easily has natively compiled scripting environment [2],[3].
That's a good thing but due to D syntax it is very intuitive and pythonic due to the default GC, in addition to the UFCS feature that I've mentioned compared to C with its agrarian syntax. That's the main reason we have C shell scripting in the form of csh with more intuitive syntax for example foreach loop that D has already supported [1].
But if you insist, D now supports and can compile C language that you can perform using rdmd [2].
Together with intuitive function calling facility using Uniform Function Call Syntax or UFCS you can easily has natively compiled scripting environment [2],[3].
[1] Pragmatic D Tutorial:
[2] Why I use the D programming language for scripting (2021) (50 comments):
[3] Uniform Function Call Syntax: