That's just dividing the world into "liberal" and "conservative", and both are defined as Americans see them.
But also, let's take it at face value: what does it take to be best buds with "reality" and still lose to people at war with it? A concerted effort of memes, "I'm #1 why try harder" is what I saw. Arrogance, intellectual laziness. "It's fine as long as we're right more often than them" so to speak. But "they" were and never are the standard.
But also, let's take it at face value: what does it take to be best buds with "reality" and still lose to people at war with it? A concerted effort of memes, "I'm #1 why try harder" is what I saw. Arrogance, intellectual laziness. "It's fine as long as we're right more often than them" so to speak. But "they" were and never are the standard.