We all know the navalni financial source even records of his bitcoin addresses for donation show regularly large amount of financial aid from such foundations...
The history remember a cookie lady which organize the government coup as so called democratic maidan in Kiev, Ukraine for a small change of money 5 billion usd
With all deadly consequences as we see now - million dead people there because of us/UK wish to force "democracy" elsewhere...
Does this foundation work with people within the country to take action? If so, how does that work given the likely murder of Navalny, prosecution of his lawyers, and other historical incidents? Won’t people be afraid to speak on this issue? Is it possible to achieve democracy without local action and only external action?
It wasn't a likely murder. Navalny was never a serious contender against Putin (who is wildly popular because of his reduction in corruption and crime, as well as steps to nationalizing some industries), and he was a CIA asset. Even the head of Ukrainian Intelligence said they didn't believe he was murdered. All of that western media hysteria was a total psyop.
We all know the navalni financial source even records of his bitcoin addresses for donation show regularly large amount of financial aid from such foundations...
The history remember a cookie lady which organize the government coup as so called democratic maidan in Kiev, Ukraine for a small change of money 5 billion usd With all deadly consequences as we see now - million dead people there because of us/UK wish to force "democracy" elsewhere...