Discovering new products is genuinely a blurry subject. It requires effort to truly understand what a product is, what stage it’s at, and what it’s capable of. Many new products fail and fade into obscurity at this very point.
The biggest indicator of this theory is that products presented as alternatives to well-established ones, or similar promotional content, become significant advertising tools. Things that generate feedback are highly valuable for advertising.
At Scout Forge, our goal is to approach products objectively and provide expert reviews. Of course, user feedback is important, but applications that fail to reach enough users also deserve to be reviewed, and if they’re genuinely good, they deserve recognition. For this purpose, we decided to create a platform that shares reviews, not promotions, of products.
Reviewing each application takes considerable time, but we live in the age of artificial intelligence. By leveraging this advantage, we aim to accelerate the process and spread this objective perspective.
We’ve already managed to develop a system that automatically identifies and reviews new products.
Let’s admit that platforms like Product Hunt, Capterra, and G2 have become outdated, and let’s work on finding new solutions to improve this system.
We're developing this new perspective at scoutforge.