There are plenty of no annual fee credit cards. If you get a credit card with an annual fee, you should be smart enough to know whether the benefits they offer make the annual fee worthwhile.
My wife and I fly a lot as a hobby. We’ve been averaging over a dozen trips per year since mid 2021.
We pay $3400 in Annual fees between 9 cards. We get around $4900 worth of benefits between those cards between Clear credits, companion flight passes (buy one get one free), hotel credits and various other credits.
That’s not including Delta Platinum Medallion status that gives us free automatic seat upgrades and lounge access for free food and drinks while waiting at the airport.
Of course we also get points toward flights and hotels for spending on them.
My wife and I fly a lot as a hobby. We’ve been averaging over a dozen trips per year since mid 2021.
We pay $3400 in Annual fees between 9 cards. We get around $4900 worth of benefits between those cards between Clear credits, companion flight passes (buy one get one free), hotel credits and various other credits.
That’s not including Delta Platinum Medallion status that gives us free automatic seat upgrades and lounge access for free food and drinks while waiting at the airport.
Of course we also get points toward flights and hotels for spending on them.