That's super awesome too, this is not so different under the hood, I used libxml for getting the content and pandoc for converting -- pandoc turned out to be by far the best of the tools I tried for that aspect.
It won't necessarily keep the URLs stable, they'll be made based on the title of the post.
That's a cool solution for the ?p=<id> issues, this doesn't handle it but when I've done it for for sites I host I usually use nginx's rewrite rules. I think for query rewriting you need to additionally use the map directive, but I was only handling directory vs .html and things like that.
That's super awesome too, this is not so different under the hood, I used libxml for getting the content and pandoc for converting -- pandoc turned out to be by far the best of the tools I tried for that aspect.
It won't necessarily keep the URLs stable, they'll be made based on the title of the post.
That's a cool solution for the ?p=<id> issues, this doesn't handle it but when I've done it for for sites I host I usually use nginx's rewrite rules. I think for query rewriting you need to additionally use the map directive, but I was only handling directory vs .html and things like that.
Thank you again for commenting, I like your site!