I don't go to the gym as much as I should or want to. To give myself some financial motivation I made this website.
First you set a goal for how many days you'll hit the gym. To prove you're at the gym, you will verify each visit by pressing a button on your phone (with location sharing on). You stake $10 as motivation and if you hit your target, you get the money back. If you fail, your $10 goes to the "Save The Children" charity with a donation receipt emailed to you.
Obviously you could visit the gym and then just go home without working out - but getting to the gym is half the battle!
It's simple to use with a Google sign-in and hopefully it will encourage some people to workout (or give to charity)!
Instead of pledging an amount up front, you instead provide card details and get charged if you miss your goal.
Once you miss the goal, the pledge multiplies exponentially until you're sufficiently incentivised to do whatever the goal is.
They sound wacky at first but motivation devices are pretty effective, assuming you trust yourself to not game them of course.