In case you don't know, you can use the `-n` argument to `systemctl status` to tweak the log output, e.g. `-n0` to disable the log output and `-n40` to get more than the default 10 lines.
That's a great option to tweak the behavior and I hadn't known about it (or if I ever had, I'd well forgotten). Thanks!
From the man page it ?looks like? if you want reverse or full then it's still off to the journalctl command and arguments but at least "-n9999" is better than "always 10 lines".
Glad you like it! I'd rather learn to deal/work with the rough spots than stick my head in the sand with an alias and be even more lost when I don't have it or am working with someone else though. At least for the super common tools like git, systemctl, grep, and the like.
> I'd rather learn to deal/work with the rough spots than stick my head in the sand with an alias
I highly encourage you to learn the commands. But it seems like you did.
I would not call something so stylistic as `git branch -vv` as "sticking your head in the sand". Your fallback is not going to really confuse you or put you at risk of not knowing what's going on. I can totally understand if we were talking about aliasing something much more complicated, but at that point it's a script...