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It's NOT Open Source.

Confusing messaging, a previous version is: https://huggingface.co/hexgrad/Kokoro-82M (matching the demo if you use the "TTS v0.19" tab, it has some artefacts in the voice[1] and definitely doesn't sound as good as the latest version).

"There currently isn't a release date scheduled for the other voices"

[1]: https://huggingface.co/blog/hexgrad/kokoro-short-burst-upgra...

And it's not offline.

In which sense? https://huggingface.co/hexgrad/Kokoro-82M

- Apache 2.0 weights in this repository

- MIT inference code in spaces/hexgrad/Kokoro-TTS adapted from yl4579/StyleTTS2

- GPLv3 dependency in espeak-ng

That's not the model repository advertised in the post.

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