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Section 174 Changes, Capital Gains Tax, and the Decline of US Tech
2 points by ZuckMusk 2 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Hey everyone,

I want to bring attention to an urgent issue that's flying under the radar: the recent changes to Section 174 of the US tax code. These changes are crippling the tech industry, forcing companies to amortize R&D expenses over five years instead of deducting them immediately. This single move has brought innovation to a standstill. Startups are suffocating, and the broader tech ecosystem feels like it’s in a coma.

Who benefits from this? Large corporations, of course. This change favors the giants while destroying competition, which is the lifeblood of the US tech industry. Meanwhile, propaganda machines are amplifying distractions, pointing fingers at issues like immigration, diversity, or other divisive topics to keep people from noticing what’s really happening—a classic divide-and-conquer strategy.

It doesn’t stop here. The next step? Increased capital gains tax. This will further disincentivize investment in innovation and new ideas, making it even harder for smaller players to survive. Pair that with the end of ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy), and you have the perfect storm. These combined forces—Section 174, higher capital gains taxes, and rising interest rates—are poised to kill the US tech industry as we know it, leaving only a handful of ultra-rich players standing.

Oh, and let me add something: they don’t want the working class to form meaningful relationships. That’s why they push to divide us. I did some experiments myself, and let me tell you—it’s shockingly easy to divide all of you. LOL! They’ve mastered this playbook, and we keep falling for it.

This is not just about taxes or policy tweaks; it’s about the future of innovation, competition, and opportunity in this country. The few will get richer, while the rest of us watch the industry we love wither away.

Beware of the distractions. This was deliberate. It’s my job to create awareness, and I hope this post inspires others to dig deeper and fight back

https://ssballiance.org/ is fighting Section 174 changes (for several years).

I am fighting Back myself from 2 years! Do you know ? Are there anyone or is there in anyone who can I can contact especially all startup founders and all small business owners working in tech ?

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