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Just read Strunk and White's Elements of Style.

I found this article more informative than Elements of Style. Elements of Style is full of poorly thought out grammatical "rules" which are flat out incorrect, or over-generalizations without much guidance on how to properly apply them, and even the authors of Elements of Style don't actually follow most of their own "rules." If you actually tried following Strunk and White's rules, your writing would come out sounding bizarre and stilted.

Just discovered that this is available free of charge on Kindle [1].

[1] http://www.amazon.com/The-Elements-of-Style-ebook/dp/B005IT0...

That isn't Strunk and White. That is just Strunk and is an earlier edition of the work long before White came on.

And in case anyone is not familiar with just how long "long before" was: http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/~myl/languagelog/archives/001604.h...

Thanks for the corrections!

I love that book and find it both useful and actually funny. (It's meant to be in parts). But it is over prescribed. The forward clearly states that its original intent was to be remedial and correct college freshmen's bad habits. It isn't exhaustive. So I'm with you except for "Just".

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