Any chance your coming through Las Vegas any time soon, and you’d like to bet large sums of money that I can demonstrate a high fructose corn syrup allergy?
Because there’s very few things as annoying as someone making broad generalizations and calling others “misguided”.
High-fructose corn syrup is literally a 45-55 mixture of fructose and glucose.
Table sugar, sucrose, is a disaccharide composed of 1 unit of, you guessed it, glucose and one unit of fructose. Sucrose is broken down in the gut by sucrase into a 50-50 mixture of fructose and glucose. The only difference is that sucrase takes a bit of time to break sucrose down. Not a lot, but enough to smooth out the absorption curve a little.
If you are allergic to one, you are allergic to the other.
Since glucose is key to human life, it's probably not that part.
If you have fructose intolerance, you'd probably know. It causes liver and kidney damage, and you wouldn't be able to eat much food people consider ordinary. If you have fructose intolerance you cannot eat sucrose either. You'd be pretty much relegated to sugar alcohols for sweeteners like sorbitol.
> that I can demonstrate a high fructose corn syrup allergy
If you can, honestly, contact a medical researcher. (You'd want to be blindly provided tasteless pills encapsulating both HFCS, sugar, fructose and an intert substance, of course.)
What wouldn't be unprecedented is a fructose sensitivity.
Because there’s very few things as annoying as someone making broad generalizations and calling others “misguided”.