I work as a software engineer at a publicly traded company with 10-20k employees, and I’m incredibly unhappy with my job. The pay and benefits are good (for now), but the past two years have thrown our workloads into overdrive, our previously cherished company values are all but dead, and our old performance review system has been replaced with “we refuse to call it” stack ranking and mandatory PIPs. And it’s not just me, I haven’t interacted with a genuinely happy or optimistic coworker in over a year. We are all burned out, no matter how much of our “unlimited PTO” we take.
Is it like this everywhere nowadays? News stories about “big tech“ paint a pretty dismal picture, but are these experiences endemic to the whole industry?
Are you still happy (or at least neutral) about your job?
I like it here. I'm sure there must come a day when it will be time to move on, but I hope it's not soon.