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Unbelievable how anti-pg hn has gotten. I don't think what pg is saying is anything new, he's always had the same sentiment around anti-censorship, anti-authoritarian/mob and pro-breaking-the-rules attitude.

It's called "hacker" news for a reason.

shrug Well I've been on HN for about 20 years, and I'm not anti-pg (he's about 50/50 by my accounting). I'm also anti-censorship, anti-authoritarian, anti-mob.

But he missed the mark here. It feels like he published a first-draft without getting any dissenting takes on one of the biggest hot-button topics on the web. I (or a million other people) would have been happy to read a draft of this and explain that he'd create offense and confusion with his... attempt to explain the history of priggishness around social justice based on his lived experience... if that's really what this is supposed to be.

NINE other millionaires read this weird, angry screed. Not a single one felt the need to gently guide Paul Graham towards the truth.

These people are willfully ignorant, but they're so arrogant that they think that they're right about everything.

> he'd create offense

That's sort of the point of the essay, he compares woke to a religion and explores how companies deal with various religious beliefs at work, ie: no one religion is ever allowed to suppress others no matter how righteous its believers feel or offended they may become.

I'm not sure why that's a bad thing or would create "confusion" in your mind.

The essay does much more than that. It makes a number of claims that are at best debatable and at worst unfounded, such as:

* The origin of woke-ism is university humanities departments

* Musk succeeded in "neutralising" wokeness on Twitter without censoring left-wing voices.

* Racism is (or should be) independent of linguistic context.

* That wokeness is a serious problem in the US.

He also makes liberal use of argument from incredulity, does not provide any facts, figures or citations to back up his claims, and suggests some very dubious moral standpoints (that it is wrong for university staff to get reported for sexual harassment).

That said, I do somewhat agree with you when you say "I don't think what pg is saying is anything new". In fact, he's never really said anything new, and he's always been prone to fallacious thinking. What's happened here is that he's exposed this more than ever before.


* That Bud Light was boycotted for excessive wokeness

if you create a product and it doesn't target the consumer with the right messaging you dont get sales

They targeted different consumers with different messaging. None of their typical customer base would have noticed anything except that some agitators discovered the Mulvaney video and whipped up a storm about it.

Exactly, this “hacker” news. Where does this screed from PG fit into that? If this was published by literally anyone else it wouldn’t have been allowed in the first place.

Hacking isn't just about computer programming, you could call it a philosophy.

The version of hacking I’ve grown up with for 30 plus years has always had very little space in it for bad takes from rich people.

You’re commenting on the central megaphone of one of the biggest VC components in the valley ecosystem.

That it has “hacker” is seemingly incidental. This place has always had bad takes from rich people - or takes from people who are seeking to be rich by way of tech.

No, but see, it's called the _Democratic_ People's Republic of Korea. It's right there in the name.

> That it has “hacker” is seemingly incidental. This place has always had bad takes from rich people - or takes from people who are seeking to be rich by way of tech

Right, but hacker is the culture they have wrapped themselves in, and I'm commenting on that. I'm commenting on one of the markers of validity that matters to how people in this group evaluate the credibility of an argument.

I would call hacking a culture more than a philosophy. Specifically it's a counterculture, much like the group that seems to have the ire of PG, who can (perhaps ironically) be seen here supporting the existing hegemony.

The philosophy of hacking, traditionally, aligns far more with "wokeness" (using the good faith interpretation) than with the antiwoke, redpilled, capitalist neoreactionary ideology currently wearing its skin for clout.

I think tracking vibe shifts is interesting and noteworthy.

But he's not doing that. None of this essay is based in data.

> None of this essay is based in data.

That's exactly why it's a vibe shift.

I enjoy his technical and tech culture essays, ones like this are a waste of time and mental energy. I won’t read it because I know it provides zero value.

You won't read it based off of its title I presume? On Twitter he says how so many people jumped into conclusion without even reading the essay.

Btw this falls squarely into "tech culture" category.

It's hard to take him seriously when he claims X doesn't censor, despite their very blatant and open censorship. Hacker news has not gotten anti-pg, it's more that pg has become more vocally political and is now facing the consequences of that.

Case in point, anyone else posting a screed like this would instantly be flagged and removed.

This is a significantly less good piece of writing than many of his older essays. It can be as simple as that.

I take it as more of an indicator of how much liberal sentiment has shifted over the last 15 or so years.

That plus the community having grown.

He claims to be anti-censorship, yet he can't see Twitter is just as censored as it used to be because it aligns with his world view now. The same as the Left used to be blind to Right censorship. Maybe he should try tweeting "cis".

"pro-breaking-the-rules attitude" come on. He's aligning himself with the most conservative and powerful people in the world right now. How is that a rule breaking attitude?

You can be aligned on 99% of things and still be a rule breaker. Additionally it matters a lot how big and societally ingrained the rules that you're breaking are.

> You can be aligned on 99% of things and still be a rule breaker.

No, no you cannot. That makes you someone who broke a rule, not a rule breaker. There is some nuance to it which the English language is subpar at, but it’s the difference between something you are and something you did. Like being drunk VS being an alcoholic.

You’re a rule breaker if you have a pattern of breaking rules, not if you break literally one (percent of) rule.

> Additionally, it matters a lot how big and societally ingrained the rules that you're breaking are.

It does to an extent, yes, but Paul isn’t doing anything different here. He has the same conservative opinion as his billionaire friends. He is the establishment, cosplaying as a revolutionary.

> Unbelievable how anti-pg hn has gotten.

Frankly, I find it more concerning that anyone thinks HN should be pro Paul Graham by default. He should be judged by his ideas, not who he is.

Tech billionaire Paul Graham is the establishment.

Miss when his essays were actually about hacking!

Being anti-censorship is one thing that should, taken in isolation, have nothing to do with your object-level views. But in practice, those claims tend to correlate with very specific views, and they're applied hypocritically. Elon is the most high-profile recent example - I think it's hard to argue at this point that he had any principled anti-censorship views, given his behavior since taking over Twitter - but he's far from the only one.

You won't see PG writing an article on how homeless people in SF should be more pro-breaking-the-rules. Because it's OK to steal from your users, to inflate your growth numbers, to make false promises to build your initial userbase, but it's not OK not to shoplift from the Safeway or do drugs on the BART. That's the kind of breaking the rules that isn't cool, edgy, smart, and most importantly high status and beneficial to Paul Graham. Don't you think that double standard is a bit suspect, that he's "pro-breaking-the-rules" exactly when the rules restrain him and not others, when it's the rules he thinks are stupid and not the rules someone else thinks are stupid?

You won't see PG writing an article about how it's bad to deny a 15 year old medical information on puberty blockers. That is, undeniably, censorship in its very simplest form: it's the suppression of information out of a belief that it is in some way dangerous to let people know about it. But most of the people who claim to be so concerned with censorship won't say a word against it, and a lot actively support it, because it stops being "censorship" when it's something they like.

And, of course, the idea that the anti-woke crowd is "anti-authoritarian" is kind of laughable right now, given their response to the incoming administration.

The change isn't that his (or other tech elites') ostensible values have changed. It's that their ostensible values have become increasingly transparently hypocritical. PG hasn't become less of a hacker: it's "hacker culture" itself, especially as represented and hijacked by venture capital, that is not what we (or at least what I) hoped it was.

Rule breaking for me, and not for thee sums up my objection, I suppose.

> it's called "hacker" news for a reason.

exactly, so why is a long political opinion piece from PG on wokeness here in the first place?

ah yes an ill-informed whiny screed about wokeness is exactly the kind of content pg is good for. that's hacker content right there!

Yeah man, he's really breaking out of the mold by doing the exact same thing all the other SF billionaires are doing by sucking up to the right wing. Even braver and more punk of him, like Zuck, to only do it after the right wing won the election.

I'll give my opinion, as someone who used to hold pg in extremely high regard, but who is often surprised at just how thoroughly uninsightful pg's essays seem to me now.

The biggest problem I see with pg, and basically with all of the SV elite, is that I rarely see them question any of their assumptions or conclusions that don't lead them to "everything I've done is right, or at least the original goals of the 'SV ethos' is the best thing for society."

For example, take the concept of meritocracy. I completely agree that I think the "wokeness" of many on the left went way overboard in demonizing meritocratic processes, e.g. getting rid of advanced classes and opportunities for some students in the name of "fairness". At the same time, I rarely if ever see these SV kingpins suggest viable solutions to the fact that in the relatively new "winner take all" tech-led economy, very bad things happen if only a teeny meritocratic elite hoards all the wealth and leaves everyone else in an extremely precarious state. For a counterpoint as to someone who I do find insightful, consider Scott Galloway. He is definitely not someone who I would call woke, but he also understands some of the real problems so often ignored by the "tech utopianists".

In this particular pg essay, there is not much I disagree with, but I didn't really learn anything from it either. I'm also extremely suspect at all these SV leaders suddenly highlighting their views that are conveniently in lock step with the new administration. Like you say, pg has talked about this before, so I'm not saying his thoughts aren't genuine, I just think what Tim Sweeney said recently is pretty spot on "All these SV leaders pretended to be Democrats, and now they're pretending to be Republicans." It's similar to how I feel about Zuckerberg's recent pronouncements. When I first heard them, most of them I agreed with and they made sense to me. Then I read the actual new "hateful conduct" guidelines and I almost threw up. I'm actually fine with being able to call gay people like me mentally ill - I'm willing to debate that 9 ways to Sunday. But kindly STFU about "free speech" when only gay and transgender people had a specific carve out to allow for their denigration. Like I have to listen to all this crazy religious bullshit that in a sane world we'd recognize as symptoms of schizophrenia, yet if I said that on FB that would go against their new hateful conduct guidelines.

Frankly, I see pg largely as another uninteresting SV elite: someone very, very smart and who obviously worked very hard, but who was also obviously extremely lucky and now thinks that his thoughts are worth so much more than anyone else.

> I'm also extremely suspect at all these SV leaders suddenly highlighting their views that are conveniently in lock step with the new administration. Like you say, pg has talked about this before, so I'm not saying his thoughts aren't genuine, I just think what Tim Sweeney said recently is pretty spot on "All these SV leaders pretended to be Democrats, and now they're pretending to be Republicans."

Yep. IMO you struck right at the heart of it. My cynical POV is that pg, like many others, tries to be on the good side of who's now in power.

Everything else discussed in the article or here, as valid or interesting as it might be, looks to be a distraction from this central motivation.

This is simply bad writing. And it's also quite offensive given the origin (and ultimate conservative perversion) of the term "woke."

I thought it was more pro woke than anti pg, still I was surprised.

HN has many of those who have gone through the indoctrination process in college that he describes in the essay.

It is extremely silly and in bad faith to accuse anyone to disagree with of indoctrination, but it's even sillier when every single tech bro is basically the same person, reads the same books, repeats the same topics, on the same day using the same phraseology.

You could have literally taken this essay from PG posted it on the timeline of any single one of his colleagues and you couldn't even tell who wrote it. The "anti woke" economy, if you look at the numbers accounts of that flavor do on Youtube, Twitter et al. is a magnitude if not larger than what, according to them, cannot be criticized.

The phrase "woke mind virus" also featured in this essay, is more of a literal meme or mind virus in the Dawkins sense of that term than anything it attempts to address. The lack of awareness to accuse others of indoctrination when you write an essay so generic that you can autocomplete the last 90% after reading the first 10% chatgpt style is quite something.


If you thought about this from your former friends' perspective, what do you think they would say about it?

They already did in the process of going off the deep end.

The most prominent incident was a friend (female, Chinese-American born to Chinese immigrants for context) who ran a guild I was in, we were like 50 members and played various games. Fun times.

It all fell apart overnight when all the sensationalizing and fearmongering about how the Right were going to round up and deport all Chinese (this was back in 2020, peak of covid lockdowns) finally got to her. She kickbanned anyone who didn't share in the fear and victimizing. She exploded on me particularly hard because I'm Japanese-American, a fellow Asian, and I guess she expected me to join the bandwagon.

She threw all manners of vitriol at me for no good reason, but I still wish her good fortune and hope she's still doing well and managed to recover from all that.

I fucking despise the Left for destroying that network of friends.

Did you ever write a letter to the Left and explain that they made 50 people not talk to you?

You're clearly not interested in conversing in good faith, but I'll indulge you:

Yeah, the letter is called a ballot and I've voted straight Red/Right/Republican/Conservative/Liberal every time.

It’s just the people online posting non-stop. The rest of us, checking in only when time allows, are not commenting 30 times in a single thread. (Check some of the posters here)

Same thing happened with the rest of the nonsense over the last 5 years. From social media you would think everyone took the clot shot. 1/3 didn’t but you’d never have known that from HN or other social media.

There is a small but loud contingent who wants to dictate our language, how we teach our children, and what we put in to our bodies. The good news is most people are not stupid and are completely rejecting it - in real life.

Bro I don’t know what you’re talking about. No one came to your house and checked the logs and told you your speech was wrong, or told you what to teach your children, or dictated what you put in your body.

Go drink a bleach and mercury cocktail, no one cares. Just don’t prep it in the shared blender in the common area.

“Bro” but you did.

The federal government censored speech it didn’t like by PAYING social media to delete it. In many instances it was content that was objectively true.

Public schools are right now telling children in kindergarten they can choose their own gender. They cannot.

The federal government wanted to implement policies to require administration of an experimental gene therapy, that didn’t even work and was never even tested for protection against transmission, and many many people were forced in to taking it if they wanted to keep their job.

I’ve voted for left progressive candidates for 20 years but I can’t vote for this shit any more and judging by the recent election neither can over half of America. Have fun crying about trump for the next four years.

Requiring the vaccine wasn’t “requiring experimental gene therapy” since we had, and continue to have, old school style vaccines for COVID.

I know plenty of people that didn’t want to risk the newer stuff, but understood the collective issue of getting to herd immunity and took the normal version of the vaccine. To me this was very straightforward logic.

The covid vaccines were never tested for transmission.

How does herd immunity make any sense when it was never tested for transmission?

mRNA based vaccines also aren't gene therapy. Your DNA isn't being modified, that isn't how they work.

There isn't much point in replying to trolls like @whatwhaaaaat who claim the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines "don't even work". It's just willful ignorance at this point.

> Your DNA isn't being modified, that isn't how they work.

I know, but per your second point, arguing the semantics against willful ignorance doesn't work.

I simply opt to point out that there was and is an old-school vaccine because the focus on the mRNA side of things baffles me.

It was obvious within weeks that there would be no herd immunity from the plain numbers of vaccinated getting infected and re-infected ("breakthrough infections" lmao).

My reddit account was permanently banned for _upvoting_ vaccine hesitancy.

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