As a data point I started a blog this past year. It’s very technical content, and it’s driven around 100k visits just sharing it in socials
My takeaway has been that I’ve dramatically underinvested in public writing in my career and will be doubling down on that. I don’t really care about audience size, but the feedback and engagement from people whose work I respect has been amazing.
It’s also resulted in multiple inquiries from companies, VCs, consulting requests, a podcast invite, etc. Having thoughts written down also helps work conversations where there’s too much context to convey in a meeting. It can establish your credibility and expertise. There are a lot of intangible benefits.
I also think in an age of AI slop, being able to write with a distinctively human voice and perspective is becoming something of a superpower
My takeaway has been that I’ve dramatically underinvested in public writing in my career and will be doubling down on that. I don’t really care about audience size, but the feedback and engagement from people whose work I respect has been amazing.
It’s also resulted in multiple inquiries from companies, VCs, consulting requests, a podcast invite, etc. Having thoughts written down also helps work conversations where there’s too much context to convey in a meeting. It can establish your credibility and expertise. There are a lot of intangible benefits.
I also think in an age of AI slop, being able to write with a distinctively human voice and perspective is becoming something of a superpower