Cross channel people smugglers? That seems to be up a lot. Also millionaires leaving - I think the UK is a world leader at millionaire export at the moment. Also foreign passport application processing in London - I recently got a German passport and there's a huge backlog of applications.
They kinda did. They had a general election in 2019, which the Conservatives won by a resounding margin.
It's not quite a vote on the actual terms of the deal, though I'd argue that's a pretty high bar to set. Negotiations are hard-fought compromises, and subjecting that to yet another set of fingers in the pie makes practically any agreement impossible.
There's a reason we have representative democracies. And the representatives chosen were clearly sent to make Brexit happen.
The original referendum was much too vague, and should never have happened. And the 2019 election wasn't really a great measure of the support for Brexit; it's easily blamed on Corbyn's many failures (and he promptly resigned).
But I'd say that Remain had about as many bites at the apple as is reasonable in a democracy. A whole lot of bad choices were made, and there's plenty of blame to go around. The UK democratically made a bad choice. And I don't know of any good way to fix the fundamental problems with that.
Young *indigenous" (whatever that means in the UK) were overwhelmingly more likely to vote against Brexit. And older people were more likely to vote for it
The vote itself was extremely close, and it won't take many older people dying to swing it the other way. In fact, I think it already has, but not by much yet.
Your "race replacement" argument is just offensive and not what was meant.
Not a lot of Twue Celtic Britons left these days, waves of Anglo-Saxon settlement, along with Danes and Gaelic-speaking tribes to the north pushed the RealBritons™ back to the tin mines and sea tunnels of Wales and Cornwall.
Isn't this missing the forest for the trees? EU as a whole has been crushed by US post 2009, to zoom in and say "recent trend bad!" is really missing the meta issue.
Can't be all bad.
I wonder if there was a sector that had seen a big boost since brexit and not just due to less competition but due to genuine improved efficiency.