> All the features you mentioned "nice interface, fully searchable API interface, whole public API" are exactly what you get if you open a well written header file in any old text editor.
No, you can't, and it's not even close.
You have a header file that's 2000 lines of code, and you have a function which uses type X. You want to see the definition of type X. How do you quickly jump to its definition with your "any old text editor"? You try to grep for it in the header? What if that identifier is used 30 times in that file? Now you have to go through all of other 29 uses and hunt for the definition. What if it's from another header file? What if the type X is from another library altogether? Now you need to manually grep through a bunch of other header files and potentially other libraries, and due to C's include system you often can't even be sure where you need to grep on the filesystem.
Anyway, take a look at the docs for one of the most popular Rust crates:
The experience going through these docs (once you get used to it) is night and day compared to just reading header files. Everything is cross linked so you can easily cross-reference types. You can easily hide the docs if you just want to see the prototypes (click on the "Summary" button). You can easily see the implementation of a given function (click on "source" next to the prototype). You can search through the whole public API. If you click on a type from another library it will automatically show you docs for that library. You have usage examples (*which are automatically unit tested so they're guaranteed to be correct*!). You can find non-obvious relationships between types that you wouldn't get just by reading the source code where the thing is defined (e.g. all implementations of a given trait are listed, which are usually scattered across the codebase).
> I don't know if rust doc suffers the same issues, but the tooling you are mentioning just seems to add an extra step (depending on how you count steps I suppose, you could perhaps say it is the same number of steps...) and provide no obvious benefit to me (and it does provide the obvious downside that it is harder to edit documentation when you are reading it in the form you are suggesting).
Why would I want to edit the documentation of an external library I'm consuming when I'm reading it? And even if I do then the effort to make a PR changing those docs pales in comparison to the effort it takes to open the original source code with the docs and edit it.
Or did you mean editing the docs for my code? In that case I can also easily do it, because docs are part of my source files and are maintained alongside the implementation. If I change the implementation I have docs right there in the same file and I can easily edit them. Having to open the header file and hunt for the declaration to edit the docs "just seems to add an extra step" and "and provide no obvious benefit to me", if I may use your words. (:
Thanks for the constructive example of the rust doc.
I am not making things up when I say that the very first question I had about how to use this module, either is not answered, or I couldn't find the answer. That question was "what regular expression syntax is supported?". This is such a fundamental question, yet there is no answer provided.
As a preference thing, I don't really like examples in APIs (it is supposed to be a reference in my opinion) and I find them to be mostly noise.
> Why would I want to edit the documentation of an external library
I'm consuming when I'm reading it? And even if I do then the effort
to make a PR changing those docs pales in comparison to the effort
it takes to open the original source code with the docs and edit it.
Right, this is possibly where our experiences differ. I'm frequently pulling in loads of code, some of which I've written, some of which other people have written, and when I pull in code to a project I take ownership of it. Doesn't matter who wrote it - if it is in my project, then I'm going to make sure it is up to the standards I expect. A lot of the time, the code is stuff I've written anyway, which means that when I come back in a few months time and go to use it, I find that things that seemed obvious at the time might not be so obvious, and a simple comment can completely fix it. Sometimes it is a comment and a code change ("wouldn't it be nice if this function handled edge case X nicely? I'll just go in there and fix it").
The distinction between external and internal that you have looks pretty different to me, and that could just be why we have different opinions.
The parent linked to a subsection showing usage for a particular object. If you click back into the root level for the document there is a header specifying ‘syntax’, and other more ‘package-level’ documentation
> I am not making things up when I say that the very first question I had about how to use this module, either is not answered, or I couldn't find the answer. That question was "what regular expression syntax is supported?". This is such a fundamental question, yet there is no answer provided.
This is a fair question to have. As others have already said, this is the API reference for a particular class, so you won't get the high level details here. You can click in the upper left corner to go to the high level docs for the whole library.
> The distinction between external and internal that you have looks pretty different to me, and that could just be why we have different opinions.
Well, there are two "external" vs "internal" distinctions I make:
1. Code I maintain, vs code that I pull in as an external dependency from somewhere else (to give an example, something like libpng, zlib, etc.). So if I want to fix something in the external dependency I make a pull request to the original project. Here I need to clone the original project, find the appropriate files to edit, edit them, make sure it compiles, make sure the tests pass, make a PR, etc. Having the header file immediately editable doesn't net me anything here because I'm not going to edit the original header files to make the change (which are either installed globally on my system, or maintained by my package manager somewhere deep under my /home/).
2. Code that is part of my current project, vs code that is a library that I reuse from another of my projects. These are both "internal" in a sense that I maintain them, but to my current project those are "external" libraries (I maintain them separately and reuse in multiple projects, but I don't copy-paste them and instead maintain only one copy). In this case it's a fair point that if you're browsing the API reference it's extra work to have to open up the original sources and make the change there, but I disagree that it's making things any harder. I still have to properly run any relevant unit tests of the library I'm modifying, still have to make a proper commit, etc., and going from the API reference to the source code takes at most a few seconds (since the API reference will tell me which exact file it is, so I just have to tell my IDE's fuzzy file opener to open up that file to me.) and is still a tiny fraction of all of the things I'd need to do to make the change.
> I am not making things up when I say that the very first question I had about how to use this module, either is not answered, or I couldn't find the answer. That question was "what regular expression syntax is supported?". This is such a fundamental question, yet there is no answer provided.
Most decent text editors support something like go to definition. Your entire comment seems to be based on the idea that text editors only support basic search, which is simply false.
Personally I'm quite content with both experiences. But it really is just a matter of preference.
At least moderately advanced text editors often interoperate with symbols tables, so you can jump to a definition. But even with grep, you can usually do it in a way where you differentiate between definition and use. But I am not arguing that you should not use advanced tools if you like is, the deeper point is that you can always use advanced tools even with headers, but you can not go back in a language designed around advanced tools and work with simple tools. So it is strictly inferior IMHO to design a language around this additional cmplexity.
I think the person you're responding to must know all of this. This is stuff that's obvious to anyone who has ever written any code that required using libraries. Unfortunately , people like to pretend to have a gripe with something on the internet just for the sake of arguing. This is the only conclusion I can arrive at when people appear to seriously propose reading a header file in a text editor is somehow better than reading documentation in a purposefully designed documentation format. It's like saying browsers are just a waste of time when you can just use Gopher for everything.
Or it just might be that different people prefer different things. I'm a hardcore fan of header files too. Vim is my preferred way of dealing with text and I can do all kinds of magic with it with the speed of though and I prefer to use as plain as possible text files. In the rare occasion when the documentation needs more than ascii stuff it's best practice to write a nice tex and friends documentation plus a real tutorial anyway. And full literate programming style is hard to beat when you are dealing with complex things.
It's fine to have preferences or cognitive inertia towards working a certain way. It's silly to pretend that doing things this way conveys some kind of universalist advantage or to conjure up a bunch of imaginary/highly niche scenarios (I'm remote coding over 28.8k at the bottom of the ocean and have no access to a browser anywhere!) that necessitate working this way for argumentative purposes.
The OP uses C libraries, and this is used to much simpler interfaces and much smaller dependency sets than the GP. So no, I don't think they know all of this.
But also, they probably to know how to keep their dependencies sane, and possibly think the best way to document that giant 2k lines interface is in a book. What are both really good opinions, that will never be really "understood" by communities the GP takes his libraries from just because it's not viable for them to do it.
The issue is that the coding style depends on whoever wrote the external library, not on you, so this ends up working only sometimes. You can probably find some other combination that will help you find what you're looking for (I do this all the time when using Github's web interface) but ultimately this is just a bad experience.
No, you can't, and it's not even close.
You have a header file that's 2000 lines of code, and you have a function which uses type X. You want to see the definition of type X. How do you quickly jump to its definition with your "any old text editor"? You try to grep for it in the header? What if that identifier is used 30 times in that file? Now you have to go through all of other 29 uses and hunt for the definition. What if it's from another header file? What if the type X is from another library altogether? Now you need to manually grep through a bunch of other header files and potentially other libraries, and due to C's include system you often can't even be sure where you need to grep on the filesystem.
Anyway, take a look at the docs for one of the most popular Rust crates:
The experience going through these docs (once you get used to it) is night and day compared to just reading header files. Everything is cross linked so you can easily cross-reference types. You can easily hide the docs if you just want to see the prototypes (click on the "Summary" button). You can easily see the implementation of a given function (click on "source" next to the prototype). You can search through the whole public API. If you click on a type from another library it will automatically show you docs for that library. You have usage examples (*which are automatically unit tested so they're guaranteed to be correct*!). You can find non-obvious relationships between types that you wouldn't get just by reading the source code where the thing is defined (e.g. all implementations of a given trait are listed, which are usually scattered across the codebase).
> I don't know if rust doc suffers the same issues, but the tooling you are mentioning just seems to add an extra step (depending on how you count steps I suppose, you could perhaps say it is the same number of steps...) and provide no obvious benefit to me (and it does provide the obvious downside that it is harder to edit documentation when you are reading it in the form you are suggesting).
Why would I want to edit the documentation of an external library I'm consuming when I'm reading it? And even if I do then the effort to make a PR changing those docs pales in comparison to the effort it takes to open the original source code with the docs and edit it.
Or did you mean editing the docs for my code? In that case I can also easily do it, because docs are part of my source files and are maintained alongside the implementation. If I change the implementation I have docs right there in the same file and I can easily edit them. Having to open the header file and hunt for the declaration to edit the docs "just seems to add an extra step" and "and provide no obvious benefit to me", if I may use your words. (: