Can you please help me understand where you are having difficulty reading the comment? I am genuinely interested. It seems I need to improve my writing skills.
To sum it up in one sentence: You don't need to explain words that I can look up in a dictionary, unless you are commenting on that explanation. I know what the word "joke" means but you are forcing me to either read the definition or look for where you continue your comment. It's also slightly demeaning since I can read this as "you don't know what the word joke is, let me explain it to you". You do this again for the words formula, garden and absurdity. If you really need to give extra details to a word that you are using, you can do it in brackets (like this) or with a footnote [1].
The definitions of the words formula and garden also seem out of place because they don't add anything to what you were saying -- at least I don't see any analogies that would make the joke funnier.