There are several open source GNFS tools that can do 1024 very efficiently on GPUs, and even cheap consumer GPUs have 10s of thousands of cores now, even by your measure "2700 core-years" is only around a month or so on a single consumer grade GPU.
Not "free", but any malicious actor has access to a lot more than a single GPU.
The UK government also has several huge arm based solutions dedicated to cracking internet encryption, zero chance that isn't breaking mostly everything, for sure the Chinese and Russians have similar.
> The UK government also has several huge arm based solutions dedicated to cracking internet encryption, zero chance that isn't breaking mostly everything, for sure the Chinese and Russians have similar.
So you seriously think that almost all current RSA is being decrypted in real time by at least UK, China and Russia (and I would assume US)? Do you have any source or reference for this at all?
Yet nobody is collecting the RSA-numbers bounties?
RSA-270 (much, much easier than 1024 compute-wise) has a bounty of $75k, why would it be unclaimed then when you can spend three years worth of cloud rented H100 (I'm being conservative here and count $3/h which is far from the best deal you can get) and still make a profit?
Also a GPU core and CPU cores really aren't comparable individually, so your “consumer graphic card having thousands of core already” is comparing apples to oranges.
none of it is "brute force", GNFS is a process that rapidly excludes numbers from the search space that cannot be the answer, in principle similar to the way they broke enigma.
That's not correct. Consider, for example, a processor that can handle 2^31 computations per second. 2^32 operations can be computed in 2 time units, whereas 2^64 operations will take 2^33 time units.
search_space(n: number_of_bits) = 2^n * k
so search_space(1024)/search_space(512)=2^512, not 2^2.
Asymptotics in GNFS are better[0], but only on the order of e^(cbrt(512 * 64/9)) times more work, not 2^2.
This would give an approximation of math.exp(math.cbrt(512 * 64/9))*$8 = $40 million for 1024 bits.
Pretty sure the search cost of GNFS is (bits)^2, the search cost of brute force is 2^(bits), if it was 2^(bits) GNFS would be no better than brute force.
Come on! Not only your math is ridiculous (you can't just square amounts of money, just consider how it would work if you changed currency: $8 is 1260¥, squares it makes it 1587000¥ which is $10k != $64) but believing that RSA-2048 is factorizable in $4k is hilarious.
> none of it is "brute force"
It's not exhaustive search like it would be for symmetric encryption, but it's still somewhat brute-force (especially since RSA keys are inflated in size compared to symmetric encryption to accommodate for their vulnerabilities), put more clearly what I meant was “not without theoretical breakthrough unknown to the public”.
BTW, it's not a very good idea to lecture people with actual crypto knowledge (even though mine is quite rusty now for I have not done any serious stuff for 15 years) when your own comes from ill-understood YouTube vulgarization videos.
> (you can't just square amounts of money, just consider how it would work if you changed currency: $8 is 1260¥, squares it makes it 1587000¥ which is $10k != $64)
What can you square then? For example, can you square lengths? E.g. 1km is 1000m, what is its square?
That is because "square length" is its own unit, which we call area. Square money is not meaningful as a unit, that is the problem. You can square anything you want but it turns it into a different unit, which the original commenter did not do (they presumed squaring dollars still gives you dollars back).
1km² aka 1,000,000m², note how the resulting units aren't km and m but square kilometers and square meters.
> What can you square then?
In that case it's the number of operations (which is unitless) that must be squared and then multiplied by the cost of each operation. For instance (figures are completely made up for illustration purpose) if one individual operation costs 0.1 cent, and you have 8000 ops for the factorization, it costs $8, and the operation number squared means you have 64,000,000 operations, and the total cost is $64k. In practice we're talking about trillions of very cheap operations but when you square that number you get an insanely big number which even multiplied by a small individual cost ends up costing trillions of dollars, putting it out of reach of factorization from anyone.
I personally factored 512 bit numbers in 2007 for a lot less than $8, so tbh I'm going to say your overestimation of your knowledge of cryptology is far more hilarious than my paranoia about the potential truth of claims made by people claiming to be experts in cryoptology.
Your claim that factoring a 256bit number would cost fractions of a cent rather than my claim of roughly $3 is also very easily verifiable.
Further I'll note you sound exactly like the kind of person insisting diffie hillman was a good key exchange mechanism prior to Snowdens disclosures. good luck with that.
I'm charitably sharing this to you: because someone actually interested in learning things asked the right question. May you sleep less ignorant tonight.
> Further I'll note you sound exactly like the kind of person insisting diffie hillman was a good key exchange mechanism prior to Snowdens disclosures. good luck with that.
Before or after Snowden, Diffie-Hellman (it's Martin Hellman with an “e”) is a good key exchange mechanism! When using it on Z/pZ as field it's not the most practical one nowadays because you need big keys to get the desired security level (exactly the same problem as RSA), but you if you use an elliptic curves instead you can use shorter keys again (and this is exactly what ECDH is doing: it litterally means Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman! Diffie-Hellman went nowhere).
Not "free", but any malicious actor has access to a lot more than a single GPU.
The UK government also has several huge arm based solutions dedicated to cracking internet encryption, zero chance that isn't breaking mostly everything, for sure the Chinese and Russians have similar.