They still have that 3-4 second delay during login though. I open Slack directly from a browser, I login from a browser, yet I have to wait until they decide to ask me if I really want to continue with the browser I've been using for literally all the steps so far.
It's not much but it feels like when I'm on YouTube with a device that doesn't have adblock and a short ad plays before the video.
It's not related to accessibility, but it's still UX.
My bad, I thought that rule was about the medium (i.e. the post itself). I didn't it also applied beyond that (e.g. commenting about Slack's UX on a post whose topic is a subset of Slack's UX).
IMHO, your original interpretation is correct. The rule is about the UX of the article itself. In a story about Slack UX with respect to accessibility ... general issues with Slack UX seem topical enough.
Here is a way to get around this annoying behavior: Type “sla” in your address bar (or however many characters of “slack” it takes to get it to autocomplete with Slack URLs). Cursor down into saved URLs for actual Slack channels. Hit return. Skip all that bullshit.
Discord does the same bullshit and this works there too.
(This assumes you’re not logging out when closing the slack/discord tab. Sometimes it just doesn’t work with Slack and you have to do a full login.)
It's not much but it feels like when I'm on YouTube with a device that doesn't have adblock and a short ad plays before the video.
It's not related to accessibility, but it's still UX.