Shareholders (whom many people believe have primacy in corporate decisions) are frequently international/foreign.
If you can be laid off to appease foreign interests, what’s the difference in letting foreign interests buy unlimited ads?
America has already decided (Citizens United) that unlimited money can be used by citizens to drown out the speech of their compatriots. The Supreme Court justices can take bribes, gifts and vacations paid for by billionaires, and you can be laid off to appease the foreign shareholders.
Why not let them have infinite ad spend? We can just say that the marketplace of ideas is a literal marketplace. Foreign companies can buy land and use up all the ground water; parch the land dry.
We’ll just tell people it’s a “free market” and they’ll eat it up. Hell, we allow tens of thousand of Americans to die every year to prop up insurance profits; kickbacks for private prisons. The next DLC will be “war for profit”!
Why not stop pretending and just put a “For Sale” sign on everything? At least then we could stop pretending.
If you can be laid off to appease foreign interests, what’s the difference in letting foreign interests buy unlimited ads?
America has already decided (Citizens United) that unlimited money can be used by citizens to drown out the speech of their compatriots. The Supreme Court justices can take bribes, gifts and vacations paid for by billionaires, and you can be laid off to appease the foreign shareholders.
Why not let them have infinite ad spend? We can just say that the marketplace of ideas is a literal marketplace. Foreign companies can buy land and use up all the ground water; parch the land dry.
We’ll just tell people it’s a “free market” and they’ll eat it up. Hell, we allow tens of thousand of Americans to die every year to prop up insurance profits; kickbacks for private prisons. The next DLC will be “war for profit”!
Why not stop pretending and just put a “For Sale” sign on everything? At least then we could stop pretending.