It’s often not too hard to determine if you put in the effort. For example you have big accounts like John Spencer spreading claims that Gaza’s population growth is completely unaffected by the “war”, with thousands of likes and hundreds of thousands of views [1].
If you need an example on the other side you can take this popular post that claims the German foreign minister has said Israel has a right to target civilians [2], when in fact she says Israel has a right to target civilian infrastructure, if it is being used for military purposes.
Community notes do not appear because the algorithms require people who typically disagree to agree, which I doubt will ever happen in a military conflict.
If you need an example on the other side you can take this popular post that claims the German foreign minister has said Israel has a right to target civilians [2], when in fact she says Israel has a right to target civilian infrastructure, if it is being used for military purposes.
Community notes do not appear because the algorithms require people who typically disagree to agree, which I doubt will ever happen in a military conflict.