To be read with Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class. Which needs to be updated for the over Info+Network age.
At its essence its about how Signaling works within a population, to keep it together inspite of the vast difference between individuals.
Veblen signalling is basically - look at my leisure activities - look at all the luxury (what I eat/where I stay/what I wear etc) - look who hangs out with us - look at all the ribbons, awards, and costumes and uniforms - aren't we cool peacocks - if you want to hang out with us and have fun, better do what we tell you.
This is a very useful and effective shortcut to group/social cohesion, when there is massive and growing Info Asymmetry and Knowledge Gaps between everyone.
In the short term. It breaks down over time.
And there are good signs in the age of over info, too many signals, and too many paths to leisure and luxury, the breakdown is happening faster and faster. The environment has changed and old short cuts are less effective.
Leisure and Luxury are just tools to pull people into the same boat. New tools and signals are required to keep them there.
At its essence its about how Signaling works within a population, to keep it together inspite of the vast difference between individuals.
Veblen signalling is basically - look at my leisure activities - look at all the luxury (what I eat/where I stay/what I wear etc) - look who hangs out with us - look at all the ribbons, awards, and costumes and uniforms - aren't we cool peacocks - if you want to hang out with us and have fun, better do what we tell you.
This is a very useful and effective shortcut to group/social cohesion, when there is massive and growing Info Asymmetry and Knowledge Gaps between everyone.
In the short term. It breaks down over time.
And there are good signs in the age of over info, too many signals, and too many paths to leisure and luxury, the breakdown is happening faster and faster. The environment has changed and old short cuts are less effective.
Leisure and Luxury are just tools to pull people into the same boat. New tools and signals are required to keep them there.