It's everyone's favorite time of the year again.
This year, the company I work for is implementing a long list of questions I have to answer about my manager. This is new to me, as my prior experience with performance reviews has been entirely downwards. I'm not sure how to approach this.
Truthfully, I don't have any complaints for my manager. When I tell them I have a problem, they usually fix it, and they do a good job of preventing it from getting to me in the first place. I hate that HR is forcing people to come up with something negative even if they don't want to.
Usually I try to be vague as RK suggests[1], but I don't think that's possible this time because they all ask for specific examples and are asking me to quantify the negative effects the manager had on the company.
You can't know for sure whether the information will reach them, nor whether they will be able to infer who provided the feedback.
The best possible outcome for you if you have no ownership is...senior management is better informed on what employees think of this manager. You don't know what they'll do with this info.
The worst possible outcome for you is that the manager is able to infer it was you that provided certain feedback, and that they are upset by this feedback. This could result in you losing the job eventually (they could make your life difficult, claim you're not performing well etc. etc.)
It probably makes the most sense (assuming you're primarily concerned with remaining employed to provide for your family) to maximize the level of positivity in all of your feedback.