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> Every day by automation I feed in the hourly weather forecast my home ollama server and it builds me a nice readable concise weather report. It’s super cool!

You feed it a weather report and it responds with a weather report? How is that useful?

It distilled bulk information into a form the author cared about. If nothing else it was probably fun, and a personal report on the things you care about can save minutes each day.

I did something similar awhile back without LLMs. I enjoy kayaking, but for a variety of reasons [0] it's usually unwieldy to break out of the surf and actually get out into the ocean at my local beach. I eventually started feeding the data into an old-school ML model where I'd manually check the ocean and report on a few factors (breaking waves, unsafe wind magnitude/direction, ...). The model converted those weather/tide reports into signals I cared about, and then my forecast could simply AND all those together and plot them on a calendar.

An LLM is less custom in some sense, but if you have certain routines you care about (e.g., commuting to my last job I'd always avoid the 101 in favor of 280 if there was heavy rain), it's easy to let the computer translate raw weather information into signals you care about (should you take an alternate route, should you alter your schedule, ...).

Off-topic, do you know of a good source of weather covariates? E.g., a report with a 50% chance of rain for 2hr can easily mean light rain guaranteed for 2hr, a guaranteed 1hr of rain sometime in that 2hr period, a 50% chance that a 2hr storm will hit your town or the next town over, or all kinds of things. Does anybody report those raw model outputs?

[0] There isn't any protection from the open ocean (combined with a kayak that's a bit too top-heavy for the task at hand), which doesn't help, but the big problem is a sand bar just off the coast. If the tide isn't just right, even small swells are amplified into large breaking waves, and I don't particularly mind getting dumped upside down onto a sand bar, but I'd really prefer to spend that time in slightly calmer waters.

Well said, that’s exactly what I meant.

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