Sold and disposed of all but ~3% of my belongings. Went fully nomadic. Lived exotically while working remotely. Numerous obvious benefits. Some less obvious ones: clearer thinking due to fewer possessions / household clutter. More time spent on deepwork/socialising/rest due to housekeeping included in accommodation. If anything about an area becomes distracting, move within a few hours, e.g. noisy neighbour, weird local laws, bad weather, poor internet, unsuitability of locale.
Got 1 user on my market place app! Plan: polish until 1 user loves it, open to others.
>20 mins exercise every day. Reduced lower back pain 95%. I am pain-free except for 5 minutes in the mornings now (used to be painful all day every day).
Got 1 user on my market place app! Plan: polish until 1 user loves it, open to others.
>20 mins exercise every day. Reduced lower back pain 95%. I am pain-free except for 5 minutes in the mornings now (used to be painful all day every day).