I'd be really interested to hear from distro packagers how this is going - how amenable is rust-fish to being packaged following e.g. Debian guidelines?
We took an incredible amount of care to consider the package maintainer requirements for our the most popular distributions using/distributing fish. One of our maintainers is very careful about letting us know when we're doing something that might upset distro packagers, and we're constantly letting package maintainer guidelines and requirements influence how we structure fish itself and which dependencies we pull in.
Awesome - i guess i was trying to get at 'if upstreams co-operate, is it possible to package rust stuff nicely, or is it still a square peg/dpkg-shaped hole scenario?'. Sounds like the former, which is excellent.
(Also thanks for putting so much work into maintaining fish - i have used it as a daily driver for years, and posts like TFA showing it's maintained so professionally impress me a lot!)
It's hopefully not too tricky - it can't be packaged as a crate using (say) debcargo, as the install path still requires CMake. The Debian experimental package changes are mostly about pulling in the right dependencies (including some internal mangling to support some policy choices).