I haven't been accused of being racist by anyone I know (especially not for pointing out a lack of diversity). I haven't experienced any Indian managers hiring their own, but I've only had one Indian manager. That isn't really a concern for me; small amounts of prejudice are to be expected, and if they grow to large-enough proportions they can be proven in court and adjudicated. What concerns me is a systemic trend to cut off US citizens' ability to move up economically.
Incidentally, there is a completely orthogonal concern that almost nobody is aware of: that Indian children are essentially being forced to study tech or medicine in order to get high-paying jobs in the west. This essentially erases their culture and robs the children of any freedom of identity. From single-digit ages they are being forced (under threat of discipline) to provide economic security for their parents. That is sickening.
> This essentially erases their culture and robs the children of any freedom of identity. From single-digit ages they are being forced (under threat of discipline) to provide economic security for their parents. That is sickening.
What are you referring to here? Care to share some sources?
Incidentally, there is a completely orthogonal concern that almost nobody is aware of: that Indian children are essentially being forced to study tech or medicine in order to get high-paying jobs in the west. This essentially erases their culture and robs the children of any freedom of identity. From single-digit ages they are being forced (under threat of discipline) to provide economic security for their parents. That is sickening.