The copyright question is inherently tied to the requirement to earn money from your labor in this economy. I think the anti-establishment folks are not so rabid that they can't recognize real material conditions.
I think that would be a more valid argument if they ever cared about automating away jobs before. As it stands, anyone who was standing in the way of the glorious march of automation towards a post-scarcity future was called a luddite - right up until that automation started threatening their (material) class.
The solution is not, and never has been, to shack up with the capital-c Capitalists in defense of copyright. It's to push for a system where having your "work" automated away is a relief, not a death sentence.
There's both "is" and "ought" components to this conversation and we would do well to disambiguate them.
I would engage with those people you're stereotyping rather than gossiping in a comments section, I suspect you will find their ideologies quite consistent once you tease out the details.