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> Same procedure when you buy one (source: i did) - paperwork, here's your keycards, follow me onto the lot, mount license plate, bye!

They offered to do way more for me, I politely declined.

> Tesla themselves do this. If you book a test drive, you'll get emails where they tell you to watch a list of Youtube videos on how to handle the car.

This is different though, you intentionally went in to drive a Tesla, that puts more onus on you. You didn’t go to pick up a Mazda and then got switched to a Tesla as an “upgrade.”

> Other car rentals do it as well.

I had the same thought and have used that point in debates in the past on this topic. For some reason, electric is different to people and they just won’t accept logic and reason. What’s different about getting a Tesla when expecting a Taurus vs getting a manual transmission diesel U-Haul truck when expecting automatic and gasoline?

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