This is functionally similar to the Claude glass. Taking the form of a dark tinted convex mirror it was used since the 1700s by landscape painters to simplify and reduce the tonal contrast of a view. When I was a student I would improve a similar effect by smearing Vaseline on my glasses.
Oh man, I was just about to rant how now we're boiling the ocean instead of using the pixelate feature of literally every graphics editor, and then I looked up what actually is a Claude Glass... It's not that Claude.
I can find similar on aliexpress. Although there are two types, the plastic ones which are about this price, and the crystal ones which are more like the price of the OP.
I have a glass-based cutting borad with a certain pattern that creates this effect. It's also quite large so supposedly you could take some really interesting pictures with it. Funny, but this is the main reason I kept it around.
Do you know the brand, out of interest? But also, isn't a glass cutting board really bad for knives? The reason cutting boards are usually made from wood is that wood is slightly soft and will do less damage to the metal edge of the knife.
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