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How Bad Is Link Rot? (brainbaking.com)
17 points by ZacnyLos 19 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

@dang Please change the title to: How Bad Is Link Rot

The Brain Baking part is so confusing, it's just the name of the blog and provides no added info.

> That got me wondering how bad link rot actually is on this site…

It’s analysis of the links on their own site, Brain Baking.

Then a better title would have been:

How Bad Is Link Rot on brainbaking.com?

That data visualization is awful.

- The list of values should be a table.

- The bar chart on the left should have discrete x-axis sections for each possible or encountered error code.

- The line chart on the right should be a bar chart, or just a table as you have below (but label the columns!)

Holy shit for a second I misread that title as containing the word "Brainrot"

Was gonna comment this too haha, kind of ironic

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