I've been writing more and more on Substack. I started with simple Haikus and just expanded with longer posts before settling into this mix of poetry, mental health and my software career.
I finally did this by letting go of my perfectionism but I don't want to let go of improvement.
Are you a someone who writes on your own blog? And do you have recommendations on where I can get feedback either by formally submitting posts for review or where I should share to elicit feedback?
My blog: https://theperfectlycromulent.substack.com
- Decide who your audience is. You can't write for everyone, and picking a specific person (real or imaginary) keeps things directed.
- Decide the goal(s) of your writing. Three big ones: inform, entertain, persuade
- Get to the point (or grab the reader's attention) ASAP. Every additional sentence is a place where someone could stop reading - make them count! Consider the takeaway of someone who only reads your title and subheadings: they should either get the gist of it or be curious enough to read properly. Be ruthless about removing segments that do not pull their weight. (If you're anything like me, this is the opposite of what writing essays in school was like, and it takes a bit of unlearning)
- Take feedback, selectively. If you apply every suggestion you receive (from humans or automated tools) you'll tend towards the median, and that's just not very interesting.
- Narrative. Even if you're writing something purely "informational", everything is more compelling if there's some kind of storyline, however basic. I finished my coffee now btw.