HN ethos is to assume good faith, but my imagination is failing me here as to how you might be sincere and not trolling- can you please share more info to help me out?
What makes you think people have experienced clinically diagnosed or diagnosable PTSD from seeing someone kiss? Has anyone actually claimed that?
You used the word outrage, and again outrage is not trauma- it describes an outer reaction, not an inner experience. They’re neither mutually exclusive nor synonymous.
Your assertion seems to be that only being physically present for a horrific event can be emotionally traumatic- that spending years sitting in a room watching media of children being brutally murdered and raped day in and day out is not possibly traumatic, but watching someone kiss that you politically think should be banned from doing so, can be genuinely traumatic?
What makes you think people have experienced clinically diagnosed or diagnosable PTSD from seeing someone kiss? Has anyone actually claimed that?
You used the word outrage, and again outrage is not trauma- it describes an outer reaction, not an inner experience. They’re neither mutually exclusive nor synonymous.
Your assertion seems to be that only being physically present for a horrific event can be emotionally traumatic- that spending years sitting in a room watching media of children being brutally murdered and raped day in and day out is not possibly traumatic, but watching someone kiss that you politically think should be banned from doing so, can be genuinely traumatic?