You may think in that way, but in order to make a such strong statement you probably want to do your homework first, like searching up the discussions and its rationale. Usually there is a good reason to pass a law if it's almost universally voted for.
It it apparently _is_ an actual problem, which is why an attempt at solving it is being made. A black market for reservations is bad not just for customers, but for the establishment that loses out on business if the reservations aren't actually sold, and therefore nobody shows up.
they should go after ticketmaster and livenation which is a far, far bigger issue except of course they lobby hard while black market reservation folk don’t. they need to unionize or something and then lobby hard too :)
It's not a problem at all. Cook at home or go to another restaurant. These legislators should be put on a strict diet of water and bread for a few years until they learn.
Exactly. How is this so called problem even possible without the restaurants allowing it? If they don't like it, stop allowing it. If they don't care, then why should the public care?