Two candidates with genericish names apply for our open SWE role through Indeed.
The resumes are nearly identical resumes, and I mean IDENTICAL.
Exact same words used to describe past projects, exact same skills listed, and the same most recent position.
There are slight differences. They attended different universities, supposedly. One worked at Redfin and the other Amazon, but both "Collaborated on Amazon's internal resource management platforms."
The resumes list the candidates' LinkedIn profiles, and both are active profiles with connections and the resume matches the profile info. Both email addresses are valid and match the name (i.e. "")
We did a phone screen call with the first of these candidates. He appears to be a fraud. His interviewer left this feedback: "I'm pretty sure they were using GPT for the interview. The answers that he was reading off the screen made no sense, and he left the call abruptly after 15 minutes."
Should we auto-reject the second candidate? What is going on here? I feel that we're being set up for some kind of scam.
I'd call just for the giggles and see if it is the same person or using GPT.