The script will run with uv and automatically create a venv and install all dependencies in it. It's fantastic.
The other alternative, if you want to be extra sure, is to create a pex. It'll even bundle the Python interpreter in the executable (or download it if it's not available on the target machine), and will run anywhere with no other dependency (maybe libc? I forget).
You can go a step further and have scripts runnable from anywhere without cloning any repo or setting up any venv, directly from PyPi: when you package your lib called `mylib`, define cli scripts under [project.scripts] in your pyproject.toml,
mytool = ""
and publish to PyPi. Then anyone can directly run your script via
uvx --from mylib mytool
As an example, for Langroid (an open-source agent-oriented LLM lib), I have a separate repo of example scripts `langroid-examples` where I've set up some specific scripts to be runnable this way:
Hm, I think you can just run something with 'uvx <name>' and it'll download and run it, am I misremembering? Maybe it's only when the tool and the lib have the same name, but I think I remember being able to just run 'uvx parachute'.
You're right, that's only when the tool and lib have the same name. In my case, I have several example scripts that I wanted to make runnable via a single examples lib
>Put this at the start of your script (which has to end in .py):
Yes, that format is specified by PEP 723 "Inline script metadata" ( The cause was originally championed by Paul Moore, one of the core developers of Pip, who authored the competing PEP 722 (see also and was advocating for the general idea for long before that.
It's also supported by Pipx, via the `run` subcommand. There's at least one pull request to put it directly into Pip, but Moore doesn't seem to think it belongs there.
I'm in the middle of replacing all of my usage of direnv with mise [1]. It does everything direnv/asdf can (for my use cases) plus a lot more. Mise can install a lot of dev software/frameworks [2], run tasks, file watcher all in a compatible manner for *nix OSes. mise is ridiculously good and even minimizes my need for docker locally.
Poetry -> UV migration is missing: If you already have a project using Poetry, with a large pyproject.toml with many extras and other settings, there currently isn’t a smooth way to port this to UV. Someone can enlighten me if I missed that.
It doesn't have to. But if it does not end in .py, you have to add the --script (or -s for short) flag to tell it to interpret the file as a python script.
(EDIT: Sorry, HN doesn't like code, see the start of for an example)
The script will run with uv and automatically create a venv and install all dependencies in it. It's fantastic.
The other alternative, if you want to be extra sure, is to create a pex. It'll even bundle the Python interpreter in the executable (or download it if it's not available on the target machine), and will run anywhere with no other dependency (maybe libc? I forget).