Dear HN:
I've recently begun the process of hosting a website for a friend on mine. He'll just be running a wordpress install, but I'm giving him shell access and it would be nice if he was able to do basic php and css config himself if he needs to. That said, he has basically no UNIX experience. He's not a computing novice - he's currently working through a python programming course, for instance - but he's never used GNU/Linux, and whatever OS X experience he has is pretty superficial.
Do you all have any favorite tutorials to get him up to speed with sshing into GNU/Linux shell account running bash?
Other than that, I recommend letting him watch you use the terminal for 20 minutes to show him what proficient console use looks like. Advanced commands can be Googled later, and those "Unix Cheat Sheets" and cram tutorials were always simultaneously too complex and too simplistic for me to ever find useful. A working understanding would be more valuable.