I can see how you might suspect that, but I got a different read from it. The constant references to the topic as the "IPv6 Cat" struck me as another in the long tradition of authors who became too attached to a clumsy and ineffective analogy they thought was good enough™ and banged it like a drum. That strikes me as an all-too-human thing to do (especially since I've been guilty of it myself before) rather than an AI artifact. I enjoyed the piece nevertheless, and I agree with its premise that market forces are not enough to continue the trend of IPv6 penetration growth and that public policy carrots and sticks are both needed and justifiable to ensure it comes to pass.
On another matter, whose brainchild is IPv6+? I haven't heard of that one before.
Look at these formulations: "Respecting these governance frameworks is crucial to maintaining the open, collaborative model that underpins global Internet development and its technological evolution ... collaborative approaches that engage technical communities, promote open standards, and prioritise interoperability are essential... To overcome these challenges, a strategic approach combining economic and operational incentives with collaborative governance is essential. Governments and organisations must take proactive steps to create a more supportive environment...
By combining these measures, enterprises and network operators can address the barriers to IPv6 adoption while fostering collaboration between governments, industry leaders, and the technical community. This approach ensures that the transition to IPv6 remains inclusive, efficient, and aligned with the Internet’s principles of openness and innovation."
How is that gibberish? It's clearly a policy paper/article, and the wording is very in-line with that: it's wordy, but there's nothing factually wrong or outlandish in it.
These days I see more and more content similar to how the chat GPT would generate and describe things