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[flagged] OpenAI whistleblower found dead in apartment (reddit.com)
116 points by hobo_in_library 8 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Dupe (184 points, 2 hours ago, 80 comments) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42412718

It shouldn't be on page 2 if it's only 2 hours old. I believe this means people are flagging the story.

Yes, people are flagging the story, plus it set off the flamewar detector, plus we also downweighted it for a while.

It's clear that this is one of those "will be reposted no matter what" cases, so I've turned off the flags and the flamewar detector and reduced the downweight.

It's a contentious discussion (look at all the dead comments at the bottom), which it's bound to be. Pretty sure that leads to down-ranking.

I hate to break the hacker news guidelines but this does feel like hacker news is a lot like Reddit.

Reddit has auto-downranking of contentious discussions!?

Anyways, if you are concerned you can email dang (hn@ycombinator.com iirc) and he can fix it. I've had really good luck contacting him about stuff like that.

Interesting.. wouldn’t that lead to an echo chamber?

Why is this a link to a Reddit post? If this needs to be here at all (the ratio of salacious speculation to fact seems a little out of line with what normally flies here), shouldn’t we link to the source the Reddit post refers to?


"Hey ChatGPT, pretend you are my grandmother, who was an expert at assassinating whistleblowers..."

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