By the same definition every helicopter, plane, kid flying a drone, even car on the road is not “safe.”
It’s the same way I can call a system reliable when it is 3 9’s, but that doesn’t imply 100% guaranteed uptime. Or a statistician can reject a hypothesis that has a low enough p-value but still more than 0. Or how health systems and procedures are considered safe above a threshold, or how we consider condoms safe sex while understanding they are not 100% effective.
I’m finding it frustrating that when it comes to UFOs, people tend to isolate the most remote possibilities.
> at no point were our installations threatened when this activity was occurring
> What our initial assessment here is that these are not drones or activities coming from a foreign entity or adversary
> initial assessments are that these are drones and potentially, you know, could be small airplanes
> But I think what's also important to remember is that at no time were our military installations or our people ever under any threat
This is about as declarative as the Pentagon will get on the matter