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Ask HN: Should I Charge for the First Meeting to Ensure Skin in the Game?
2 points by r2sk5t 37 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
I created https://kudwitt.com to help software CEOs and entrepreneurs navigate challenges and achieve growth. I decided to charge a nominal amount for the first meeting to ensure both parties are invested and serious. The idea is to weed out casual inquiries. What are your thoughts? Have you seen this approach work, or does it create unnecessary friction? I’m curious to hear about others’ experiences. Thank you.

“They can’t buy from you until they are in your store.” Unless you have a long list of eager clients, an initial meeting is about selling your expertise rather than assessing the client. For many potential customers, especially those on the fence, even a small fee will discourage them from reaching out. Instead, consider making the first meeting free and using it to showcase your value, win clients, and get referrals.

I greatly appreciate you taking the time to comment. FWIW, the other feedback I received is that I should charge my normal hourly rate (~$500/hr). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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