Again, you are missing the point, which may be a product of your environment. It’s not about systemic differences, or who is doing rule of law “properly”.
One side is pointing at knobs with the word China crossed out and replaced with USA.
The other side is shocked that someone would make such knobs in the first place, regardless of their label.
The issue is not the shape of the knob, or the color, or its size. The issue is the knobs existence.
Who is shocked? It's extremely not surprising the knob exists, it's surprising so many people think the knob is one shape when it's another. The original chain is about discussing the shape, not the existence.
Getting closer!! You are not shocked, and can’t see why anyone would be surprised the knob exists. This is closer to the root issue.
I want you to think about people that might be shocked,
Not for the shape, but the existence. Or why one might even desire such knobs. Think about why this might be.
It’s all very abstract now. You are not trying to convince me of anything, and all I am trying to do is expand your perspective. Peace to all.
One side is pointing at knobs with the word China crossed out and replaced with USA.
The other side is shocked that someone would make such knobs in the first place, regardless of their label.
The issue is not the shape of the knob, or the color, or its size. The issue is the knobs existence.